Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The hustle and bustle of being a mom of 3

I am so exhausted. Having 3 kids is NOT easy. My children are 9, 2, and 8 months. It wasn't so horrible handling the 2, but when my little guy joined our family-things got really tough. I am always running around after my youngest daughter or breaking up an argument between the girls. And then again if I am not running after the girls then I am tending to the boy and his needs/issues. But it doesn't stop there. I am always on the move-cleaning, cooking, laundry and the list goes on. I handle it all and it's all too much for me. With my FMS & MPS, I feel like I never get relief. I am always moving and always hurting. I am always tired and drained. I wish I could just do my daily routine without dealing with all of this.

So today I took a trip to Walmart and grabbed a few things that we needed and then came home to make lunch for my youngest daughter, myself, and my husband (since he comes home for lunch)-and then when I was done with all of that, I ran back out to the store and finished up my grocery shopping. I feel like I have been hit with a truck.

The day would've been ok but my little boy has been very fussy, on and off the whole day. I am not sure why though. He is calm now but wasn't earlier.

So I guess while I have it, I will enjoy my little bit of peace until it gets crazy again...


  1. It seems all you can do is go with the flow..I only have 1 son and my life is crazy..can't imagine having 3!

  2. LOL-I usually do go with the flow. Yesterday was just so overwhelming I just had to post a little about it lol. But 3 kids are a handful! I am usually able to handle it with ease lol but when I wrote this I was like AAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!! lol
